
前言 Ray主要是想做一个集成分布式训练、推理和环境模拟于一身,但是彼此又不耦合的分布式框架。经过合理的模块化,每个环节还可以接入不同的系统,例如为训练接入Horovod/torch.distributed,为推理服务在Kubernetes上运行Ray等,让用户可以在一个分布式应用上组合多个库。 Ray更关注的是horizontal scalability和low overhead,当然scalability一般还会要求reliability。Ray的存储是个分布式的内存共享机制,通信基于gRPC。 一个简单的Ray使用示例: Application concepts Task - A remote function invocation. This is a single function invocation that executes on a process different from the caller, and potentially on a different machine. A task can be stateless (a @ray.remote function) or stateful (a method of a @ray.remote class - see Actor below). A task is executed asynchronously with the caller: the .remote() call immediately returns one or more ObjectRefs (futures) that can be used to retrieve the return value(s)....

June 3, 2022 · Yihong Li


Horovod 在18年其他框架的分布式训练不成熟的时候,率先用NCCL和MPI实现了ring allreduce。 Horovod Timeline Tensor Fusion Ring-allreduce utilizes the network in an optimal way if the tensors are large enough, but does not work as efficiently or quickly if they are very small. One of the unique things about Horovod is its ability to interleave communication and computation coupled with the ability to batch small allreduce operations, which results in improved performance. We call this batching feature Tensor Fusion....

March 25, 2022 · Yihong Li